Aim and Scope
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Qur’anic Studies (JIQS) is a bilingual, peer-reviewed journal published by Interdisciplinary Quranic Studies, Research Institute of Shahid Beheshti University and Contemporary
Thoughts Press.
JIQS aims to promote interdisciplinary studies of the Qur’an conducted with a wide range of scholarly approaches as well as to provide an interdisciplinary platform for critical, innovative, and scholarly research.
The editors welcome articles on all aspects of Qur’anic studies associated with different fields of science and humanities such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, management, literature, archaeology, economics, ethics, philosophy, law, politics, history, physics, biology, geology, astronomy, meteorology, medical science, engineering, and computer science.
Furthermore, the journal gives special emphasis to the field of artificial intelligence, particularly Computational Qur’an Mining.
Publication Ethics
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Qur’anic Studies (JIQS) follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines.
The editorial board, editor-in-chief, authors, reviewers, editors, and readers should follow these ethical policies while working with JIQS.
For information on this matter in publishing and ethical guidelines, please visit
Acceptance of the Papers
The editor-in-chief is responsible for initially accepting or rejecting of the papers. The editor-in-chief with the consultation of the editorial board, reviewers, and editors while considering copyright, plagiarism, and other related issues, decides on the acceptance of the papers.
The editor-in-chief is responsible for judging the papers only according to their scientific features and should act without any prejudice, personal hatred, or bias to nationality, gender, religion, tribal, racial, or political issues.
Peer Review Process
The journal uses the double-blind peer review process to evaluate the Articles. The reviewers should review the papers objectively and in an unbiased and just manner. They should avoid personal biases in their comments and judgments.
The reviewers should avoid reviewing the papers that, in their opinion, entail a conflict of interests including common, organizational, or personal financial interests or any link with the companies, institutions, or the
people related to the papers in one way or another.
The reviewers should identify and examine the writer’s references. Any conclusion or discussion already proposed should be accompanied by the source. Moreover, in case of observing any similarity or overlap between the submitted paper and another paper, the reviewer should report it to the editor-in-chief.
During the reviewing process, the editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board should not reveal any material about the article to anybody except the reviewers, authors, and editors. All or part of the materials that have not been published should not be used in the editor-in-chief’s, editorial board’s, or reviewers’ personal research without the author’s written consent. The confidential information or ideas obtained through reviewing the papers should be kept in confidence and should not be used for personal interests.
Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as (tacitly or explicitly) by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work is carried out. The authors are not allowed to send all or part of the paper that is under review process to another place.
All authors are expected to have substantial contributions to at least one of the following: researching the literature, discussions of the article content, writing, or substantial editing or reviewing of the draft manuscript.
Submission to JIQS is taken by the journal to mean that all the listed authors have agreed on all the contents, including the author list and author contribution statements. The corresponding author is responsible for managing all communication between the journal and all co-authors, before and after publication. If the author list changes after initial submission, all co-authors must sign a change of authorship form.
The corresponding author is also responsible for submitting a conflict of interest statement on behalf of all authors of the paper.
Plagiarism is unacknowledged copying or an attempt to misattribute original authorship, whether of ideas, text, or results. Plagiarism can include, “theft or misappropriation of intellectual property and the substantial unattributed textual copying of another’s work”. Plagiarism can be said to have clearly occurred when large chunks of text have been cut and pasted without appropriate and unambiguous attribution. Such manuscripts would not be considered for publication in JIQS.
Aside from wholesale verbatim reuse of text, due care must be taken to ensure appropriate attribution and citation when paraphrasing and summarizing the work of others. “Text recycling” or the reuse of parts of text from an author’s previous research publication is a form of self-plagiarism.
Here too, due caution must be exercised. When reusing text, whether from the author’s own publication or that of others, appropriate attribution and citation are necessary to avoid creating a misleading perception of a unique contribution for the reader.
In order to prevent plagiarism, all articles are examined by similarity detection software in JIQS. When plagiarism becomes evident post-publication, we may correct, retract or otherwise amend the original publication depending on the degree of plagiarism, the context within the published article, and its impact on the overall integrity of the published study.
Notes for Authors
- The Journal of Interdisciplinary Qur’anic Studies welcomes scholarly articles that solve specific new issues and contain innovative research results, on all aspects of Qur’anic studies associated with different fields
of science and humanities.
- Manuscripts should be typed in English by using MS Word.
- The abstract should not exceed 350 words.
- Submissions should be sent online to the website:
- Submissions should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words in length, not including references.
- Articles that the editor judged to have merit will be sent anonymously to two referees and authors may be asked for changes and adjustments in light of the referees’ reports.
- The editorial board reserves the right to make reasonable modifications in wording.
- Please include the author’s name and affiliation, as they should appear in the printed text.
- Please note that not more than two papers per calendar year, per author and co-author can be submitted to the journal.
- Acknowledgment should be at the end of the paper but preceding the references.
- All tables, illustrations, figures, maps, and photographs should be titled, numbered consecutively, and cited in the text, e.g., (fig. 1). Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright for all artwork taken from other sources.
- Authors should follow the journal style thoroughly.
Referencing System
- The referencing system used by JIQS is the Harvard style of referencing. Harvard-style referencing is an author/date method. Sources are cited within the body of your assignment by giving the name of the author(s) followed by the date of publication. All other details about the publication are given in the list of references or bibliography at the end.
- Citations that are used with direct quotations, or are referring to a particular part of a source, should include the page number in your citation, e.g. (Smith 2017: 42).
- If the author(s) name appears in the text as part of the body of the assignment, then the year will follow in round brackets, e.g. According to Smith (2017: 42).
- If more than one of your citations has the same author and year of publication, then you should distinguish between them by using a lowercase letter following the year, e.g. (Smith 2017a) & (Smith 2017b).
- Some authors have the same surname and work published in the same year, if this is the case use their initials to distinguish between them, e.g. (Williams, A. 2009) & (Williams, J. 2009).
- In some instances, you may need to cite more than one piece of work for an idea. If this occurs, you should separate the references with a semicolon and cite them in chronological order, e.g. (Jones 2014; Smith 2017).
- When citing in-text, include the names of up to three authors. If there are more than three authors for the work, you are citing then use the name of the first author followed by “et al.”, e.g. (Taylor et al. 2015).
- If the year of publication is not given then use the name of the author followed by “n.d.”, e.g. (Wells n.d.).
- Secondary Referencing: This is when you reference one author who is referring to the work of another and the primary source is not available. Secondary referencing should be avoided where possible. You must make it clear to your readers which author you have read whilst giving details of the original term by using “cited in”, e.g. (Ecott 2002, cited in Wilson 2009) or (Cannon 1989, cited in Wilson 2009: 269). In the reference list, you should give details of the item you looked at. Looking at the above examples, you would reference Wilson (2009) in your reference list.
- Use the following order to give details of references in the reference list:
- Author’s surname, author’s first name, year of publication, name of the work, publisher, and place of publication.
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